We were created and designed to live for more than ourselves.
“There is woven inside each of us,” writes Paul Tripp, “a desire for something more—a craving to be a part of something bigger, greater, and more profound than our relatively meaningless day-by-day existence.” The difficulty however, is that this search for something more is hindered by our craving for personal glory. “In a fallen world” writes Tripp, “there is powerful pressure to constrict your life to the shape and size of your life.”
In Genesis 3, we are told of the story of Adam and Eve’s move from their allegiance to God to their trusting in their own decision making. As a result, they made the choice to eat from the one tree in the Garden in which they were forbidden. Hoping for new knowledge, they discovered the emptiness that results in abandoning the Creator. And now, in lineage with Adam and Eve, we all are on the quest for something more.
What we must daily realize is that this “something more” we are looking for will never be found from within ourselves. We must not “shrink the size of [our] glory focus to the narrow glories of [our] own little selves,” writes Tripp. What we are looking for, and what “every human being quests for, whether he knows it or not, is not a thing; it is a person, and his name is God.”
The bottom line, writes Tripp, is that “it is only in communion with God and in submitting all other forms of glory to his glory that [we] will ever find the ‘above and more’ that [our] hearts seek. We were made to experience, to be part of, to be consumed by, and to live in pursuit of the one glory that is truly glorious–the glory of God.”
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31) and become completely satisfied and filled with the “something more” in which you long.
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